A Prayer for all of the Essential Workers
“With this prayer we place our practice in the midst of the world we are living in, and we acknowledge all of the essential Bodhistattvas that are at work amongst us every day, carrying us through these pandemic times.”
My Beloved Community,
I want to share with you a Prayer for all of the Essential Workers written by zen priest Ando Jaune Evans, gently adapted by me.
With this prayer we place our practice in the midst of the world we are living in, and we acknowledge all of the essential Bodhistattvas that are at work amongst us every day, carrying us through these pandemic times.
You can also listen to this Prayer along with a guided meditation and a blessing of Loving Kindness for all beings on our Podcast. This is a a live recording from an early morning sit with our Borderless Online Shala community, Friday Nov 20th, 2020.
With Love and Blessings
Kia, Paris December 2020
A Prayer for All of The Essential Workers
Let us say prayers for all Essential Workers.
For all the Essential Bodhisattvas who are hearing and responding to the cries of our whole world.
For all the Postal Workers touching and delivering our mail.
For all the Grannies and Aunties and Neighbours and Daycare guardians who are secretly caring for our little children at home while their Essential Worker parents must go to work.
For all the Ambulance Caregivers, for the Fire Fighters and Police, all the Drivers transporting and receiving us – protecting our brothers and sisters and children and parents, our grandparents, our newborns, our homeless, our beloveds, our friends.
Prayers, prayers, and more prayers
For the Women and Men in hospital basements laundering sheets and blankets for those who are sick and dying.
For the Essential Cooks and Kitchen helpers who continuously feed and nourish everyone.
For the Floor Washers, the Garbage Collectors, the Ones Who Clean Up Our Mess.
Prayers to the brave Keepers and Tenders of Bodies, the Gravediggers, the Funeral Workers, the Ones Who Accompany The Dead.
Prayers for the Subway Conductors, the Pharmacists, the Food Store Cashiers, the Essential Unloaders of All Boxes and Crates.
For all the School Teachers offering their lesson plans and their love to students online so they can continue with their current education and not fall behind.
For all the Maintenance Workers, Truckers, Line Workers, and Food Processors.
For all the Crop Pickers and Packers.
For all the Public Health Workers tracing and contacting, testing and reporting, doing their jobs despite heavy caseloads, despite improper tools and clear leadership.
Many prayers for all the Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, and Care Technicians who carry on despite the challenges.
Prayers, many many prayers, so many prayers for so many,
For all The Essential Workers, seen and unseen, watching over and holding all of us, all the time.
Essential Bodhisattvas arising in all ten directions
Hearing and responding to our cries in this pandemic world
Throughout all space and time.
—Jaune Evans
May 10, 2020